On April 9th I went to the park with Mark, our child and Remy. It was a cool but only slightly breezy day. The kind of day perfect for going on a walk to gather inspiration.

It was a short walk around a wall which separated two parking lots. I opted for the shorter walk since I didn’t want to walk down and then up the hill. There were little pathways going off to see natural plant-life, otherwise known as weeds.

In one area there were spring bulbs flowering and I was intrigued by some of them. OK all of them. I love flowers, especially in the spring, and in the woods, or at parks, etc.,

I took pictures of as many flowers as I saw, with the intention of sharing them in my art. I get a lot of inspiration from the park. Each time choosing a different path or part to wander through.

The paths ended up at an amphitheater made of rock and concrete and lined with benches. A garden was in the center and all of it was in much need of repair and clean up. On a bench at the other side against a wall I found our child playing the violin. The violin has a beautiful deep sound and the music wafted across the park, drawing a few wanderers. It was too beautiful not to take a ton of pictures. I wish I had a recording. Alas, I can only do one thing at a time and this time it was pictures.

It was getting quite chilly and our violinist was not dressed warmly enough. Remy had a fantastic time.

Spring has progressed since that trip. The trees have started greening out a bit and most of the daffodils are done. Our apple trees are in full blossom now as well.
This was a great memory made and I have more pictures to use for inspiration.
Thank you for reading this post.
I’m sending you lots of love and blessings,

This post originally appeared on hannamccown.com. The contents are the property and copyright of hannamccown.