I’m wishing you a year of abundance, good health, and endless joy.
I ended last year with my sister and her family in London, Ontario, Canada. It was a joyous time—bitterly cold but full of homemade goodness, hockey, laughter, and the love of her children’s children. Two of my other siblings, along with their significant others, traveled down to spend time with us. New Year was full of love and abundance. There was ice skating, a walk to the nearby park, sledding and snowboarding, a bonfire, fireworks and lots of hockey. I came home exhausted and weak but completely satisfied.

As January proceeds,
I am gradually regaining my strength. Now I’m back to working on my design business, also walking on my treadmill 3 times a day. I set up a newsletter system for my website, blog, and business using a company called Kit. Writing down all the things I want to do in the near future I listed them in order of importance. Now, I can focus only on the next thing and get it done. I worked on the subscriber offer, landing page, and newsletter until I had it done. There are several things I’d like to change about it, but I can do that at any time. Done is better than perfect.

Now I have sent the little snowman to my newsletter subscribers.
My first newsletter and it is all very difficult for me. I have little understanding of technical speech but am learning to use Google and Kit’s help. As soon as I sent the newsletter, I felt incredibly accomplished. Really nervous though because I didn’t know if it works out. I asked my daughter, my first subscriber, to check her email for the newsletter. She opened it and absolutely loved it. Inside is a picture of my newest painting with this month’s calendar. She immediately printed it out for her kids and one for herself.
My plan is to send a new calendar painting every month to all subscribers. It is quite late in the month to send the calendar, but the next one should be much earlier. If you would like one of these for yourself just subscribe to my newsletter.
I made a few new patterns
at the end of last year some of which need more work. The crocus and a couple of Christmas patterns. I will try to be more intentional about sharing my work and the stories that inspired them. Both of these are on Spoonflower.

In late winter every year, while spring still feels so far away, the crocus begins to bloom. It fills me with renewed energy, knowing that spring certainly will come. As it does every year since the beginning of time. The welcome appearance of these delicate little flowers gets me outside with my camera.
As of today,
I have no future plans made to travel. Except to go 3 hours east of here to visit my Grandson and his family. Yes, there are great-grandchildren now in my life and I must visit them often. 3 hours isn’t too long a drive for some great-grandsons hugs. I don’t consider it travel.
So, for now I will be working on making patterns, painting, learning about newsletters, making downloads and updating my website.
Thank you so much for reading this post and for following along with me.
Much love and blessings,

What a lovely start to the new year! I’m always encouraged by the crocus too. Today I saw them growing up a bit out of the ground as it’s snowing and want to tell them, “too soon!”
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for reading this post. It is way too soon for these brave little flowers. I haven’t seen any yet, but I will have to take a look.
Stay warm.
Love and blessings