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The Yellow Poppy

The Yellow Poppy, a digital rendition of a photo.
The Yellow Poppy

The Yellow Poppy is designed in Adobe Illustrator from a photo I took in my garden. I made this as part of the course work in Immersion 2021.

In this blog post I tell the story behind this piece of art. The poppy grew from seed in a pot on my deck. It brought me so much joy. It wasn’t a large poppy but it was glorious.

You can see that it’s quite a process with lots of decisions to be made. The outcome though is pretty great and I’m proud to offer it to you.


For quality prints in various sizes, framed or unframed you can find Yellow Poppy on Society6.

If you would rather download to print at home there is a downloadable on my Etsy shop. I have provided one 8×10 and 2 4×6’s.

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