Big News, Spring 2018

I want to share Big News with you.  I absolutely love Big news.  For some reason I get energized and excited and all beamy inside and out when there is Big news.  It has to be good news though.  Something or someone is beginning, ending, succeeding, breaking through or overcoming something big.  Someone got well, was born, married or hired.  Big news.  Great big awesome news.  It’s like an addiction for me.

I really have to be careful with it because I can get carried away.  For example, this winter toward the end when the spirits were low and we were longing for a spring that kept disappearing I decided to go to Bible School and get a four year degree in Bible Theology.  I got so excited.  I found one that is completely on-line and not far away so that I could go to school things that pop up once in a while.  I found out that I qualify for a grant that would cover most of it and that I could take longer to complete it if need be.  I was concerned about my ability to actually study but not enough to dismiss it.  So I got into an amazing momentum of enthusiasm until I realized that I would have to pay the difference sometime this summer and that there were things called textbooks to be bought.  I realized that there were other things in my life that would have to wait while I plowed my way through the lessons and that I still have a young person to put through school.  So my heart broke, gently and quietly as I put the beautiful dream to one side for the time being.

Having realized that I would be free to work on my art for the next year or so I put myself into it with gusto.  Okay, in England they say; ‘get a crack on’.  Well I got cracking and finished my second book.  It is a coloring book complimenting ‘Elsie’s Easter’.  I finished it April 2, and it became available to purchase on on April 5.

That clears two things off my desk.

cover picture small

That’s the Big big news.  Now for the big news.  I have another book growing in my mind and being scribbled down in my notebook.  It is an exciting book idea and it is all about ladybugs but I’m not saying any more than that.  I have added to my Elsie Rabbit and Friends book ideas list and began to flesh a couple of them out.  Ladybugs have attacked me though and I can’t get rid of them.  They are everywhere and when I sit down to do some serious writing they crowd into my thought space and onto every page.  They are so insistent that I’m taking it for a sign and I’m going to follow the little bugs till we are both exhausted.  We’ll see what comes of it.

one spotless ladybug

My daughter asked for some lunch napkins made with the ladybug material for her to use in the camper this summer.  I thought that would be interesting and I made them for her.  I have extra of them and will offer them to you in my shop.  I am putting together a line of ladybug products and I am working on another piece of ladybug art that will become another product line.  As this all develops you will see them joining the others in my shop and you will be able to purchase them and bring ladybugs into your life as well.  I didn’t mean to brand myself as the ladybug lady but for now they insist and I am feeling helpless.  So ladybugs it is for this summer at least.  Another bit of news is that I am toying with the name — hanna mccown designs — for my brand.  What do you think?


Do you love Big news as well?  What is your Big news and is it addicting for you too?  I would love to hear from you.  Share in the comments and don’t forget to check out my new coloring book at

Thank you for being so awesome as to read all the way to the end.

Love and blessings,

hanna mccown

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