Yes, I have been missing. Last couple of posts I was desperately trying to recover. Instead I was sinking, like in quicksand sinking. I couldn’t think clearly, words were jumbled and slow. I sat in my chair by the big window and looked outside day after day.

Once in awhile I woke in the morning feeling like a completely normal person. Usually this resulted in lots of cleaning, art projects being started or redone, and singing. Lot’s of singing because I was so so so happy. It usually didn’t last long. By the end of the day I could feel something happening in my head, on my scalp, a crawly thing and then dropping stuff and tripping. I knew. I went to bed praying for another normal day. It would be weeks, even months before I got another one.

During the low part I ordered clay and clay tools and my husband bought me a small kiln so that next time I was normal I could spend the day playing with clay. And that is just what I did. I also found a way to keep it soft so that if I needed to rest it would wait for me, a few hours or a few days. I found a new love. Yay.

Thank you so much for reading. I don’t want to keep you long. I have so many amazing things to share with you.

Oops, I almost forgot to tell you that I found a good Doctor, Neurologist, who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and put me on some meds that keep my mind clear (I hate brain fog) and my body up and moving. I wouldn’t say that I am feeling normal most days, but I am able to do things and follow my dreams on most every day. I am incredibly grateful for that.

We converted the outdoor kitchen area to my pottery making studio because I am not gardening this year.
Its always exciting when we use the kiln. Rather like Christmas.
I find myself reworking artwork on my pottery.
I sculpted strawberries on several things.
My summer windows painting on a little cup.

I decided that in order to become good at this I should make 100 cups. I currently have 47 but not all are fired and glazed.


love Hanna

This post first appeared on hannamccown.com. This is original content.

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