My First Fabric

I’m happy to tell you that this gorgeous organic cotton sateen fabric from is sporting my latest ladybug design.  This means that my ladybug fabric will be available to purchase by going to Spoonflower here.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to get these samples.  Sample after sample and yards upon yards of ladybug disappointment.  It took going over the design at huge magnifications to see what was causing the problems.  The problems were a fuzzy, unclear appearance on certain fabrics.  This meant that I had to sharpen and outline all the edges of the legs and backs.  I was able to leave the watercolor intact while adding black outline to the edges.  It was worth every bit of the time it took.  I am now waiting for a couple of yards to make some picnic lunch napkins to put in my shop.  I will be working quickly so you can get them as soon as possible.  They are delightful and will be a great conversation starter for your summer picnics.

Spotless ladybug fabric is next.

Elsie’s Easter is in the shop now.  You can find her here.

I received a box of Coloring books and am working to get them onto the shop as well.  The coloring books are available on Amazon as are Elsie’s Easter.

I’ve been working on a possible page for my new book about ladybugs and doing some research.  It’s unbelievable how many different species of ladybugs there are.  Technically they aren’t ladybugs but ladybeetles which has a nice sound to it.  This is what fleshing out an idea looks like.  It takes a lot of time but it will be well worth it.

Beautiful Ladybeetles, spots of bright color.

No camping this week because I have not been feeling well, not to mention all the rain.  Next time I go camping I will do a better job of capturing the camping words.

Chloe and I made a trifle this week.  This has got to become a regular tradition here.

  • The bottom layer is cake.  Leftover lemon poppy-seed cake that I made.
  • Second layer is blackberry and strawberry jello, home made with our own berries and plain gelatin.
  • The third layer is peach jello made with our own peaches and plain gelatin.
  • Custard made with farm fresh eggs and milk and whipped cream,
  • fresh strawberries from the organic section of the produce department
  • and sliced almonds.
  • Chloe put orange slices around the edge to give it a special look.

We picked the cherries from the little cherry tree.  It made two cups of frozen cherries.

I’m thankful for a week full of good things.

Love and Blessings,


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