Time is not money, time is life. My life, your life, each precious minute of it.
I spent the last few weeks pouring my life into a very large collection of patterns. I am gradually getting ready to share. Everyday I treat my work like a job. I’m doing what I love, except the website stuff. I don’t love that. I know they say it is easy for anyone but I have ideas and all of my ideas don’t seem to be included in any one theme. I’m talking free themes because you know. This will be the first thing I outsource when I get ready to start outsourcing.
I’m grateful for this work. I get to stay at home and homeschool. I get to set my hours and wear what I want and fix my hair or not. I have all the tools I need, so as long as I’m able I will be working several hours a day.
Love and blessings,
Jasmine Delight Pink Jasmine Delight Silver Jasmine Delight Violet
The post Time is Life appeared first on hannamccown.com.
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